Author: Katie King

Important Notice: New Procedures for Arranging Field Work

Given the ongoing Covid-19 related restrictions in Sabah, which have particularly impacted fieldwork by overseas scientists, we have been forced to furlough and place on unpaid leave a large number of Research Assistants. During this period, while we are operating with a much-reduced team, it will be essential that any fieldwork that can take place remotely is efficiently coordinated. For any scientists who are in a position to initiate fieldwork, please contact SEARRP’s Operations Manager, Adrian Karolus and Assistant Director for Science Coordination, Dr Mikey O’Brien who will be able to make the necessary arrangements. Thanks for your understanding.


In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, and recently enacted Malaysian Government directives, we are suspending SEARRP operations – both field and office based – until further notice.
We have contacted SaBC and have been assured that, for scientists with pending applications, access permit dates will be amended to accommodate the revised schedules of visiting scientists. For further information – and to advise SaBC of field-work plans – please contact Alessandra Markos at SabC ( Although the SaBC office will be closed until the 31st March at the earliest, Alessandra will be working from home and will do her best to respond to emails in as timely a fashion as possible.
We have also been assured by Yayasan Sabah that similar flexibility will apply to research applications to the Danum Valley and Maliau Basin Management Committees.
If you have any other concerns, please contact either the SEARRP Director, Glen Reynolds ( or Co-Director, Agnes Agama (

OECM Inception Workshop in Kuala Lumpur March 3rd, 2020.

Dr Agnes Agama and Melissa Payne hosted a recognising and reporting OECMs in Malaysia Inception Workshop in KL on March 3rd, 2020. The workshop aimed to develop a consensus on the criteria and methodology for site-based assessments, using the IUCN WCPA guidelines and tools as a basis for the assessments. In addition, Agnes and Melissa will use this opportunity to shortlist potential OECM project case studies that were submitted to SEARRP in February 2020, and once chosen these case studies will be taken forward to the site-based assessment stage of the project.  SEARRP received over 40 applications of potential case studies from across Malaysia and together with the Advisory Group, they will review the different cases studies and analyse input from members on which sites should be shortlisted for the project.  This is an exciting stage of the OECM project, which is investigating the potential of conserving important and vulnerable ecosystems outside of protected areas in Malaysia. To learn more about this interesting project please visit our website. 

Dr Agnes Agama, SEARRP’s Co-Director, presenting in KL on potential case studies for the OECM project.

Reminder: Applications to Submit Case Studies for “Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures” (OECMs) are still open!

SEARRP is welcoming all interested parties to submit case studies of potential OECMs across marine, coastal, freshwater and terrestrial environments in Malaysia. Application forms are available for download in English and Bahasa Malaysia on the project webpage. A summary of the OECM criteria and IUCN OECM Guidelines is available on the project webpage, please read it through it, and ask any questions you might have, before submitting your application. Once you have completed the application form, please submit by email to 
Deadline for submissions is 5pm on the 31st January 2020. 

Applications are now open! Call for case studies of potential OECMs in Malaysia!

SEARRP would like to invite all interested partners to submit case studies of potential Other Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) across marine, coastal, freshwater and terrestrial environments in Malaysia. The submission form is now available on our website and applications are in your choice of English or Bahasa Malaysia. The website gives a full overview of the scope of the project and details the criteria for applying for a potential OECMs. All submissions are completely voluntary and everyone is welcome to submit as many case studies as they would like, but please use one form per case study. The deadline for submissions is 5pm on the 31st of January 2020 and once completed all applications can be sent to SEARRP’s Science Impact Coordinator Melissa Payne. 

OECMs achieve the in-situ conservation of important and vulnerable ecosystems outside of Protected Areas

SEARRP awarded a new grant from the GEF Small Grants Programme in Malaysia!

SEARRP is thrilled to announce that we have been awarded a new grant from the GEF Small Grants Programme in Malaysia! Over the next two-years, we will be working with a range of partners and stakeholders in to investigate how “other effective area-based conservation measures” (OECMs) can conserve biodiversity that occurs outside of Malaysia’s protected area systems. We are very much looking forward to discovering marine and terrestrial OECMs across Malaysia and exploring how these sites can be recognised and reported. Read more about this project here.

SEARRP is investigating the potential for “other effective area-based conservation measures” (OECMs) to conserve important and vulnerable ecosystems outside of protected areas in Malaysia. Photo Credit @Chien Lee


SEARRP launches it’s new quarterly newsletter

Welcome to the first in a series of quarterly newsletters!!

At SEARRP we are continually looking to increase the scope, scale and impact of the organisation and over the next few months we look forward to outlining some exciting new initiatives, partnerships and opportunities – not just for science, but also training, capacity building and outreach – so do please keep an eye out for future newsletters.  Click here to read the full newsletter, and be sure to keep an eye out for our next one!

Staring and climbing into the canopy of these magnificent trees in Danum Valley has led us to climbing the tallest tree in the tropics–read the whole story in the newest edition of the SEARRP newsletter

Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo Adventure Premier at the Royal Geographical Society

Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo Adventure Premier – Katie King, Assistant Director – SEARRP

The June 21st 2019 screening of Dame Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo Adventure – which was held in support of SEARRP – proved to be a fantastic evening, one that we were incredibly excited to have been a part of. The journey began when Dame Judi and her ‘chap’, the conservationist David Mills, made the trip to Sabah, Malaysian Borneo earlier in the year to shoot this two-part series with Atlantic Productions and ITV. During their stay, Judi and David worked with a number of SEARRP scientists and staff (Eleanor Slade, Greg Asner, Jed Brodie, Tom Fayle, Chien Lee, Unding Jami and our Director Glen Reynolds) who showed her the wonderful, and sometimes weird, flora and fauna of the rainforest and outlined the science which SEARRP is supporting to protect these incredible forests. Judi and David were the perfect students; asking insightful questions, they were clearly enthralled by the forest and all the species they saw, from the iconic orang utan, to foot-long stick insects, hornbills and – of particular fascination to Judi – the dung beetles. The rainforests of Borneo have the highest canopy in the tropics – to which Judi and David can now attest having climbed one of its tallest trees!

It was with great anticipation that the SEARRP team travelled to London in late June for a public screening of the series, intended to help raise awareness and funding for our Programme.  The event was held at the historic Royal Geographical Society, a perfect venue for showcasing the importance of science, exploration and conservation. The event started with a drinks reception, after which the first episode in the series was shown. In the episode, which featured Danum Valley, Judi and David explored the connection between animals and their environment, and their personal experiences with these animals were truly special; from incredible mammals such as Orang-Utans, Sun Bears & Pygmy Elephants going about their daily lives in the forest, to the bizarre and secretive life of dung-beetles and other fascinating insects.  But there was also an important conservation message that was conveyed; during the helicopter flight into Danum Judi witnessed first-hand the devastating impacts of land-use and climate change –  but also the majesty of its remaining pristine forests. It was this flight which initially captivated Judi and underscored to her the pressing need to conserving these beautiful, crucially important and yet fragile and desperately threatened habitats.

When the lights came back up there was a moment of silence in the auditorium; the audience seemed captivated and genuinely touched by sharing the experience of exploring the wilds of Borneo. And they were not alone; Judi wiped away tears before she and David, were welcomed to the stage for the scheduled Question and Answer portion of the evening. This is where their experience in Borneo, and the true impact that it had on them, really came to life. Together, with Anthony Geffen (the Executive Producer of the documentary and a SEARRP Trustee) and Glen, they explained the beauty and awe that they felt in the rainforests of Borneo, and their genuine commitment to their conservation. Judi was deeply impressed by the research that SEARRP facilitates and the commitment of its scientists and staff. To the delight of the audience, and particularly SEARRP, Judi announced that she and David were determined to remain engaged with our work – and had agreed to become ambassadors of SEARRP. It goes without saying that all of us – our staff, trustees and scientists – are absolutely thrilled to have their support and we are looking forward to working with Judi and David long into the future.

The SEARRP team at the premier of Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo Adventure at the Royal Geographical Society

Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo Adventure Airing Tonight (July 2nd 2019) on ITV1

Do not miss the opportunity to see Dame Juid Dench in the wilds of Borneo with SEARRP scientists showcasing the research being done through our programme that is addressing some of the major environmental issues of our time in the 2-part production of Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo Adventure.

Episode 1: 2nd of JULY 9.00PM ITV1

Episode 2: 9th of JULY 9.00PM ITV1

The Observer

The Guardian 

Daily Telegraph
Eye popping

The Daily Mail
Epic 2-part adventure. Magical journey

The Express
Real life drama in Borneo – Dench proves to be a real eco-

The Mirror
One of our greatest living actors on an extraordinary journey in Borneo

The Sunday Mail
Dame Judi even swings through the tress as a part of her magical adventure

The Sunday Times
Dench expresses enthusiasm, joy and awe that never draws any focus away from the wonder of nature

Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo Adventure

Executive Producer: Anthony Geffen
Producer & Director: 
Harvey Lilley
Assistant Producer:
Rowan Sharp
Sally Yeadon, Stuart Davidson,
Sarjit Bains
Edit Producer:
Will Benson
Director of Photography:
Richard Ranken
Dominic Colchester, Donald Ng
Simon Forrester
Original Music: 
Ty Unwin
Production Manager:
Samantha Tilyard
Production Co-Ordinator:
Diane Davidson