PROJECTSOur projects tackle the key issues confronting tropical landscapes.
SEARRP manages a suite of major, strategic field projects that allow scientists to address critical issues in forest conservation, habitat restoration, the impacts of a changing climate and sustainable plantation management. We also facilitate the work of individual scientists across the mosaic landscapes of Sabah.
SAFE PROJECTUnderstanding the Human Impact on RainforestsThe SAFE Project is conducting large-scale experiments to understand exactly how logging, deforestation, forest fragmentation and oil palm plantations are affecting the functioning of tropical rainforests.SAFE PROJECT WEBSITE
EXPERIMENTStudying the Impact of Tree DiversityWhen degraded forests are restored by planting indigenous tree species, the diversity of tree species can be dramatically altered. What are the ecological consequences of this reduction in biodiversity?PROJECT PAGE
50-HECTARE PLOTUnderstanding the Effect of Climate Change on RainforestsAlong with 30 other plots in 20 countries, the 50 hectare plot at Danum allows detailed studies of the dynamics of a pristine lowland rainforest. The plot incudes almost 250,000 tress which are mapped, measured, and identified every 5 years.PROJECT PAGE
SENSORCreating a Sustainable Oil Palm IndustryThe Socially and Environmentally Sustainable Oil Palm Research (SEnSOR) is quantifying the impacts of palm oil agriculature, and informing the RSPO’s criteria for sustainability in oil palm agriculture.
Capacity Building Ecosystem Services Assessment in the CFS:
Enabling key actors to identify & assess the natural capital & conservation value through the use of TESSA. PROJECT PAGE
BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATIONOECMs in MalaysiaWe are investigating the potential for “other effective area-based conservation measures” (OECMs) to conserve important and vulnerable ecosystems outside of protected areas in Malaysia.
Climate Change Research Harnessing world-class expertise to investigate ‘negative emissions technology’ for climate change mitigation
The Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation brings together researchers from a wide range of backgrounds to explore the potential of using enhanced rock weathering on croplands to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. PROJECT PAGE
PROTECT, RESTORE AND CONNECTEnabling Carbon Financing and Biodiversity Conservation Together with a team of experts, we are undertaking a State-wide mapping of forest carbon and biodiversity in Perak.